Added a new Nightmare difficulty level
Nightmare difficulty now replaces Hardcore difficulty.
Nightmare is substantially harder, and is meant for players who found Hard too easy.
Existing save files can switch to Nightmare difficulty in the Options menu.
Added a Standard or Hardcore game mode selection
Standard: Units will respawn after being defeated in combat.
Hardcore: Units cannot be used again after being defeated in combat (aka. perma-death).
Previous saves made on the old Hardcore difficulty will now use the new Hardcore game mode.
Saves made on the new Hardcore mode will have a purple heart on their save file.
Standard or Hardcore modes can only be selected when making a New Game, and cannot be changed later.
Winning certain battles that loot all unopened chests will now centre the camera on those chests before opening them.
Inflicting Poison on an already poisoned enemy now retains the highest poison damage value.
Added a new "Saving Your Game" tutorial after the first fight in the Dew Meadows.
Improved the "Trap Gauntlet" tutorial description to inform players that traps deal increased damage on higher difficulties.
Reduced enemy difficulty in the third fight of the Dew Meadows.
Increased the chest time in the fight to the right of the town in the Dew Meadows.
Increased the chest time in the secret fight in the Coral Oasis.
Increased the chest time in the fight above the maze in the Kingdom of Grandia.
Moved a Bomb Pillow in the first Colosseum fight.
Added three new items to the Tier 5 shop:
Bottled Fairy
Spiked Sallet
Mirror Shield
Check them out in-game to see what they do!
Heart Bracelet
Now applies Stim to enemies that already have Charm.
Reduced MP gained from 2 to 1.
Spotter's Scope
Increased INT and DEX scaling to 100.
Now sets Snipe to always have 5 range.
Now always activates when dodging an attack.
Reduced DEX scaling from 150 to 140.
Glass Platemail
Reduced HP gained from 50% to 40%.
Miniature Coffin
No longer inflicts all debuffs to adjacent enemies when detonating a Pillow.
Instead, it now provides 40% more damage per debuff type on the Pillow.
Detonate Pillow
No longer increases in damage per debuff type on the Pillow by default.
This effect has been moved to Miniature Coffin.
Cascading Frost
Increased INT scaling from 120 to 140.
Reduced Area of Effect from 3 to 2 tiles.
Fire Trap
Increased duration from 3 to 5 turns.
Ice Trap
Increased duration from 3 to 5 turns.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where enemy damage forecasting was incorrect on Easy and Medium difficulties.
Fixed a bug where Retaliator did not attack friendly units when used with Friendly Fire.
Fixed a translation error with Shadow's Blindfold in Simplified Chinese (thanks vtxtune!)
Fixed a misplaced Dark Flame trap in the Ashguard lava room trap gauntlet.
Fixed an audio bug when moving back towards the door in the second Willow-only fight (thanks beebee!)